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Figure 1: B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer
Figure 3: B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer
Figure 5: B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer
Figure 2: B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer
Figure 4: B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer
Figure 6: B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer

B-1 Bombsight Stabilizer

This is the stabilizer component (i.e. gyros) from a "Horizontal Periscope Bombsight, Type B-1" made by Sperry. Note the resemblance to the name of the B-47 Y-4 "horizontal periscope bombsight" in the above topic. Perhaps this was the corresponding gyro unit for the B-47. Beyond this speculation, I can find references to the fact that the the USAF used a B-1 bombsight, but can't identify where it was used. Our device was last serviced in 1956, but the B-1 wasn't withdrawn for USAF procurement until 1974.

I also have a "time-to-go" indicator instrument used with "B-1 Bombing Navigation Computer." This is more evidence that the B-1 bombsight existed.