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Figure 1: Label of the K4 Bombing Computer
Figure 3: Top of the K4 Bombing Computer4
Figure 5: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer
Figure 7: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer Closeup
Figure 9: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer Closeup
Figure 11: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer Closeup
Figure 13: Early version of K4
Figure 2: Front of the K4 Bombing Computer
Figure 4: Bottom of the K4 Bombing Computer
Figure 6: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer Closeup
Figure 8: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer Closeup
Figure 10: Side of the K4 Bombing Computer Closeup
Figure 12: Early version of K4

K4 Bombing Computer

Here is one of my favorite devices: a “K-4” bombing computer. It’s a favorite because:

--It is old (current device has 1954 markings)

--It computes using electric-mechanical analog mechanisms

--It is very complicated, likely impossible to us to reverse engineer

--It is for the military

--It is very unknown!

About the unknown... I can find almost nothing about this device. The closest are two pictures of an earlier device shown in Pictures 12 and 13, as referenced in https://usautoindustryworldwartwo.com/harris-seybold-potter.htm. These pictures show something much more primative than our device, but abviously there is some resemblence. Maybe this is a prototpe and never used, but its high serial number